I am going on my fourth week in Abu Dhabi and things are going great. Today was a really amazing day in Abu Dhabi because I explored a new souk and also the Abu Dhabi art festival. At the souk there are so many different kinds of stores that sell a variety of things. They had everything from carpets, scarfs, stuffed camels, ball gowns, spices, and just everything really. Even though it was a souk it felt like a big shopping mall with three different floors and a very elegant feel to it. There are so many interesting things that I can't wait to buy for myself and friends and family back home.
My henna |
This says Stiney |
This says Ms. Melissa |
The Abu Dhabi art festival was simply amazing and I am so glad that I went. Now I am no big art buff by any means, but I really enjoyed seeing all of the art and all of the people that the festival attracted. So first let me explain the taxi ride to the festival, which was one of the worst I have taken yet. Our taxi driver didn't know where we needed to go (which is very common) but we explained it to him and he seemed to understand. So after driving in the taxi (very very very slowly) for a little bit, our driver missed the exit for the festival and got lost and had to ask for directions twice. So after that we finally made it to the art festival and he said, "oh sorry only 15 days on job." The art festival featured artists from all over the world and all different types of art. They had this really cool picture booth thing that would take your picture and then print it out in like a full poster. After you took your picture you went around the front of the booth and it fell from the top printer. It was actually really cool and I have never had a poster size picture of myself before. Aftet I got my poster picture I went and got henna done on my hand. The woman who did the henna made it seem so effortless and it is really beautiful. At the art festival they also had a man writing names in arabic. Watching someone write in arabic is simply amazing and the writing is so beautiful that it looks like calligraphy. I had him write Ms. Melissa on one sheet and Stiney on another. I am planning on having them framed and putting them in my classroom. Today was a great day...and I can't wait to have more days just like this!